Residents' Page

Watch this great video below ‘Understanding antisocial behaviour’ by Sanctuary Housing. 

The Noise App.

If you are having noise nuisance issues then the free Noise App might prove to be a useful tool on your mobile phone. The Noise App is useful because it easily captures the date, time, location and the type of noise. Plus it allows you to make additional comments and also rate the severity of the noise. Once this is captured it can be sent immediately to PCH for their investigation and determination. It also saves a great deal of time!

Download the Noise App from or search online for ‘The Noise App RHE’ at Google Play or the Apple App Store.


Anti Social Behaviour

Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) is, “Behaviour by a person which causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to persons not of the same household as the person.” (Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003).

ASB can take many forms. Some examples are as follows:

  • noise, e.g. loud music from a neighbour’s house
  • intimidation, e.g. using threats to scare someone
  • harassment, e.g. threats and verbal abuse
  • dumping rubbish, e.g. mattresses, household waste, abandoned cars.

As you can see from the few examples listed, ASB can vary, so dealing with ASB needs varying approaches.  Sometimes the ASB can be an isolated incident, e.g. a special celebration, but we recognise that many ASB incidents may be repetitive practices which can affect your quality of life.

PEMB can help with low level concerns. During office hours either telephone 01752 607277 or use the online contact form here.  Try to include important details such as time, date, etc.

Higher level concerns may need the intervention of PCH and/or the police. Such incidents may take a little longer to resolve than normal and may well involve other agencies.

In an emergency or immediate situation, call 999 or 112  and ask for the police. You will be connected to the local police force and given a crime number. 

If any ASB  occurs during out-of-office hours, including the weekend, please either contact:

Police on 101 (if the matter is non-emergency) or online here

PCH Out-of-Hours ASB Hotline Number – 0800 0287 377 

The Good Neighbour Agreement


The PEMB’s Good Neighbour Agreement was designed after discussions with residents at a consultation event. The document was drawn up encompassing the feelings of the residents.

At the same time, a competition was held for the children of Pembroke Street to design a good neighbour poster for the stairwells. PCH showed the winner around the PCH graphic design department to watch the winning artwork transform from paper to poster. 

All new residents are asked to sign a Good Neighbour Agreement as part of their tenancy sign up.  Download the Good Neighbour Agreement here.